Monday, January 30, 2012

Drama Queen #4 Because life is still happening to you. Right now. At this moment.

You know that moment when everything makes sense? When each mistake seems like only one tiny part of your life and only achievements seem to matter? When you look around you, and you realize that is is who you want to be and where you want to be? When your past doesn't seem to matter anymore and you're focused and positive more than ever? When you realize that you've been successful in letting go the people who could not accept you for who you are and wanted to mold you in something you're not? When you realize who will be there when it truly counts? When you realize that there's more to life than BBM, Facebook and Blogger? When you realize that the most important thing in life is not a thing? When you realize that sometimes, just sometimes, you might be in awe of the insignificant people, but no matter what you do, you should never leave the significant people behind? When you believe in being happy? You believe in all the books you read, the movies you see? When you believe in happy songs? When all you want to do is hug your best-friend and forget about everything bad that has ever happened to you? When you realized that you have to live in the present and not in the past,or even future because life is still happening to you? Life has been happening to you all along, you were just too preoccupied to notice it.

Has it happened to you?
Yes. It has happened to me. It still is.

And, I can finally say,

Life is Good.

Much love,
The DramaQueen

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